My etsy listings
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Etsy listings
I have listed all the Christmas item I have left in my etsy shop for easier purchasing. Just click on the link above to see everything in my shop. Thank you everyone for your continued support!! I wish you all a Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Some items to sell!
Hi all! I have some items left from my shows that I can sell! I will be putting things on here as I have time as well as on my facebook page. Have fun!

This paypal button is for the Mitten box. It includes two pair of new gloves, one pink and one gray, and a tube of peppermint hand lotion! Great for a gift! This set is $24.50 and 6.00 shipping. Local pickup is free. If you are local please contact me before paying so I can invoice you without shipping. The same goes if you are purchasing multiple items!
The Snowman box is also available for sale. It is $14.00 plus shipping and could easily be a great gift with some added goodies! Email me if you are interested in this! I have lots more things coming but since I havent done this in a while I am slow! Haha! Have a great day!!!
Monday, September 24, 2012
my junkie treasures!
Well, here are my junk treasures! Lots of work cleaning them up for me but I can't wait to get started painting some of them!!! Some I will use for display....the yucky red bowls that I will wash the red off of and the little suitcase and that old drawer may have to go somewhere in my house!!! I use the old jars with lids to store my jewelry supplies in. I got lots of old books for my jewelry and a new project I am wanting to do too! Fun Fun!!!
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Junk day with the girls!
Saturday I went to my favorite junkin place with my sister, mom, aunt, daughter and my poor little nephew! We had a great day and I found lots of treasures to paint on! I can't even wait to get started! But I am still worn out, haven't even unloaded the car yet so I will post some pictures tomorrow.
We also hit an awesome antique store. This place is just amazing. I want to go in and never come out. I can really appreciate the time and effort put into this place to make it look like an old town. The antiques were awesome and the workers were very friendly....and believe me that does matter because the other place we went the workers were very rude and unfriendly and they won't be getting any more of my money! Anyway this place is in Doolittle Missouri....if you are in the area check it out, you will be glad you did!!!
I took some pictures of the outside....I didn't take my phone in so I couldn't take any of the inside but it is even more awesome than the outside!
This is the front......part of it.....
Some more of the front...but I didn't get it all.....
This is the!
more of the back.....
and even more of the back! This place is 30,000 square feet too! Quite awesome!
I couldn't find a website but here is a link to their fb page!
Be sure to check it out!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Wow! Where have I been???
Boy time does seem to get away from me fast these days! I am still around, just with a busy life taking all my time! I have been busy painting and making jewelry. I already have two shows under my belt for the season that were a great success! I have one more show coming up on November 10th and that is it for that. I have been posting a lot on my facebook page because I can do that from my iphone.....multitasker that I am!!! I am having a jewelry give away there too for an awesome old key that I soldered and stamped "heart" on....the key to my heart. I am in love with it! I need to make one for me!
The drawing will be held on Monday September 24th so go to my page and share the give away post to enter! Be sure to like my page too!
I also have been painting and will be putting some great things on here for sale as well. So be sure to check back! The holidays are coming up on us fast! Hugs to you all! Chris
The drawing will be held on Monday September 24th so go to my page and share the give away post to enter! Be sure to like my page too!
I also have been painting and will be putting some great things on here for sale as well. So be sure to check back! The holidays are coming up on us fast! Hugs to you all! Chris
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Mother's day weekend!

I had a wonderful Mother's day....of course I spent it at the ball park with my kids but I wouldn't have it any other way. Baseball is my favorite thing! Adam's team won second place in the tournament and it was a great time! Congratulations to all the HEAT players!
I have been painting up a storm to get ready for the Oma Noma Heritage Festival Saturday at the lake of the Ozarks. I will share a sneak peek of a few things I will have there! I love how this little funnel turned out! So patriotic! The back side says "home of the brave"!
This is an enamelware coffee pot....I love painting those!
I think this is my all time favorite of everything.....I know I say that about alot of things......but this really is!!! I did this little box with a design from Terrye French (that is who I mostly paint). Then I put little clay pots inside with fresh herbs. It smells so good I really want to keep it for myself!!!
If you are in the area Saturday be sure to come see me on the strip in front of A Vintage Boutique! I will have lots of goodies for sale!
Friday, May 4, 2012
Painting painting painting!!!
I have been busy painting and getting lots of neat vintage things ready for the Oma Noma Heritage festival on May 19th at the Lake of the Ozarks! Here is a sneak peek at a few of the things that I will have there!!! I hope you can come out at see me if you are in the area!!!
This is one of my favorites! A vintage scale that I added a design from Terrye French on. It is so rustic and primitive!
I love painting these old brooder lamps! This one is painted all the way around so would be perfect on a table where you can see it all!!!
This is a fun little chopper that I have painted on both sides! Of course I will still be adding all the goodies to these to dress them up a bit so they will even be better when they get to the show!!!
I am also having a Mother's Day give away for my jewelry. I am giving away this awesome 1 1/2" pendant made with a vintage sparkly glass button! You can share the post on my facebook page on your facebook page or if you don't facebook you can share this picture on your blog and leave me a comment that you did and you will be entered to win! I will have the drawing first thing on May 9th so I can get it out by Mother's day!!! Good luck everyone!!!
Monday, April 23, 2012
A little bit of Heaven!
It is funny how something is there all along but you don't know about it until you go far away......that is how I found the little shop, A Vintage Boutique on the strip at the Lake of the the bead show in St. Louis!!!
I went down Saturday to visit with the owner, Sharon, about participating in the Oma Noma Heritage Festival in May. Little did I know when I stepped inside that I was going to be in a treasure chest of vintage jewelry and many other awesome things. Of course I can not resist the vintage bling....I collect rhinestone bracelets and brooches for myself and most anything else that sparkles but I also use vintage pieces to fashion my jewelry.
This is the outside of the shop!
I was quickly drawn to this little case. I have never seen so many bracelets that I wanted in the same place!!! And the prices are great too! Vintage necklaces hang above and of course lots of the beautiful memory bracelets that I love.
I immedietly thought of my dear friend Tanya from Bead and Needle when I spotted this case!!! She makes beautiful jewelry and has been my inspiration for many years. Check out her blog and her etsy shop, you will be amazed! Anyway, she collects bakelite and I was drooling for her at the beautiful pieces here!
Sharon also creates beautiful jewelry herself!
She carries purses, vintage and new, hats and lots of other treasures. You will not enter without finding something you love! I highly recommend if you are visiting the Lake of the Ozarks you check out The Vintage Boutique!
It was really an all around exciting day....Sharon sent me to the Old Time Photo shop across the street and they fixed me up with a dress and hat from 1930 for the Oma Noma Heritage Festival. I have never done anything like this before and I am really excited. Its going to be a lot of fun! Plus I get to check out some more vintage jewels....that is always a plus!
So please come out and see me on May 19th right in front of A vintage Boutique on the Bagnel Dam strip. I will have lots of painted things ready to go home with you and some of my handcrafted jewelry! It will be a fun day for all and I look forward to seeing you!!! I am not real sure about the outfit, I am totally loving the hat, but this may be the only chance you get to see me in a dress!hee hee
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Bead show!
Had a great time at the bead show again this year! Loved getting to spend 5 whole days with my daughter who is living there while attending the St. Louis College of Pharmacy!
I got lots of neat beads.....all sparkly of course and I have already started on some new things!
This bracelet was my first project when I got home! It is a memory wire bracelet that I added a small soldered pendant to. It is tied on so you can wear it plain or tie on a different one for a change. It didn't last long though and is on its way to its new home!!!
I also started on some fancy chains that you can hang your pendants from. I seem to be picture challenged with my jewelry though. This necklace is just so sparkly and beautiful. Made with smoke colored crystal beads and glass pearls in grey with a large clasp for hanging your pendants and baubles.
Here it is with a pendant on it!
And of course don't forget to get entered in my give away! As soon as I reach 200 likes on my facebook page I will be drawing for this awesome vintage key pendant! Just like my page and share the post about the give away!!!
Friday, March 9, 2012
I finally painted!
Well, I have been wanting to paint this box for so long! I knew if I left it out in my way I would get to it sooner or later!hee hee I typically don't do many spring things but I just love how this turned out! I'm working on some eggs too so those will be coming soon! This box is 36.00 plus shipping if you are interested just send me an email! Thanks!
Monday, March 5, 2012
Another give away!!!
I'm having another give away on my facebook page! Just click the big facebook link to the left and like my page! Be sure to share the post and leave me a comment that you did and when we reach 200 I will draw for this vintage key necklace!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Be sure to go to my facebook page, Theantiquepallet and like it! I am having a drawing for this necklace as soon as I reach 100 likes! I will do a give away for every 100 for as long as I can keep up!!! Please share the post with your friends too!!!
I have decided that since my fb page is for both my painting and my jewelry I will alternate weeks! This week is for jewelry and next week I will be puting something painted on there! So be sure to check in often, you never know what you will find!!!
Monday, February 6, 2012
I am computer challenged it seems!
I wouldn't have thought it but I think I AM computer challenged!hee hee I have been working today setting up a facebook page for my goodies and trying to link everything together and I am thinking I may pull my hair out!!! This stuff is so confusing considering I do not know html! Well, for now till I get it all figured out come on over to my facebook page the old fashioned way and like my page!!/pages/Theantiquepallet/108605762598026?sk=wall
Or you can use that GREAT BIG ole F to the left! That you can not miss!hee hee
I will have a give away every time I hit 100 likes! It will be jewelry or a handpainted item! Everyone who likes me will be entered to win! Thanks for following me.....even though I don't know where I am going!!!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
I have been making jewels!
Well, today in my spare time I put the finishing touches on some jewelry that I have been working on. I just love making jewelry! I will be selling these things but I don't have anything set up yet so if you are interested just shoot me an email!
I love this saying! This necklace is hammered and stamped out of copper.
This is a vintage crystal that I soldered around and wrapped in copper wire. It is all antiqued and then I added a bling ball. It is really sparkly in person! My fav!
This cuff is hand etched brass that I added an antique rhinestone to and wrapped with copper wire with shiny pretty!
This was my first cuff I made! I love it! I can see me making many more of these. I got some really cool antique things to put in the little boxes!
Well, thats my excitement for the day I hope you like my jewels!!!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
The wine bottles are available!!!!
I just love these wine bottles but I have a horrible time getting them to look good in my pictures! I have painted 7 of these awesome wine bottles that are up for sale now! They are all done with green or brown bottles. Some of them have white lights and some have colored lights. They are all equally awesome but if you are purchasing one of these and have a preference let me know in your email because I didn't take pictures of all of the bottles. The cord comes out the back of the bottle from a hole that I drilled myself. They are so pretty lit up in a dark or dim room! They are $20.00 each plus shipping and I will sell them in the order of the emails that I receive. They are only snowmen, there is nothing on them that is Christmas so you can leave them out all winter long! I even made me a couple of these and I usually don't get to keep anything! Yay!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Well, its never too early to think about your sweetheart!
I have kind of gotten myself into the sugar cookie making business. I do love to make them and they are sooooo yummy! I started out making them for school parties and holidays, then expanded to sport functions and this year I did Halloween and Christmas orders! Well, valentine's day is coming up fast so I am starting to get orders for that! I have also been working on samples for birthdays too! So, if you want some yummy sugar cookies get on the list early!!!
I am also doing some painting! I have some things I should get finished by the weekend that I am excited about! I made some for gifts but haven't sold any yet! I have 7 of them and I am going to list them on here soon. You will love them so check back! Oh the suspense!!! hee hee
Have a great week everyone!
Friday, January 13, 2012
Jewelry classes!
My sister Angie and I have decided to start holding some classes for jewelry making! We both love to make things and want to share! We are going to start off with this beginner bracelet project. So cute and great to learn for gifts, parties or girl scout projects! If you are interested in taking the class, our first one will be Friday February 10th from 6:30 to 8:30. Just email me for more information. Space is limited so don't wait to sign up!
I am also going to be selling more of my copper jewelry on here as well as my handpainted items. I love making things but can't wear everything so some has to go up for sale!hee hee I will be listing some beautiful and unique pieces!
I am also getting ready to start on some spring, Easter and everyday painted items so check back often!!!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
I sure hope you all had an awesome Christmas.....I know I did! I was very blessed this year to be able to spend time with my family. I do wish my Dad could have been with us for the holidays, that was hard, but hopefully he will be home soon!
I was slightly spoiled this year and did get a new sewing machine! Yay! I haven't had a chance to try it out yet but I already have a few things in mind that I want to sew! I also will be taking a class soon to learn how to use my new soldering gun. I am looking forward to doing some new things with jewelry this year. Don't worry.....along with my painting!
I have a few things left that I am going to list for sale on here as soon as i can get some pictures. I also joined a jewelry facebook page and I am going to focus a little more on selling my jewelry and also will be offering some jewelry making classes this year. I am super excited about that!
Adam and Erica by our tree!
Mike and me by our tree!
This year at Mom's on Christmas eve we shot skeet! It was so fun. We used to do it all the time but haven't for many years. The weather was perfect, we all had a great time and even after not shooting for about 7 years I still hit the first one out!!! I guess if we couldn't have snow, this was the next best thing!
Well, I'm just trying to catch everything up now that the holidays are over. I will be sending out an email update soon to let you know what is going on here and what I have to offer. Believe it or not I am still in the painting mood and have some projects ready to go! I have to start early to prepare for two shows and online sales this year!hee hee Take care and check back often!!!
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